Singing As Spiritual Practice

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Welcome to the second season of Life As Spiritual Practice! I am delighted to be back with new conversations about experiencing ordinary life as a way to connect with the divine.

This first conversation is a special one for me: it’s with my mom, Lou Ann Horstman. Lou Ann’s story is a primary inspiration for this podcast. Her journey with singing, from the barriers she overcame to embrace it fully to the depth of spiritual connection she experiences through it, is incredible. You will want to sing more after you hear this. You’ll also want to think about what practices might already exist in your life: what connection points you might already be experiencing, that you just haven’t had permission to name yet. I hope you enjoy and are inspired.

We’ll be airing episodes every other week for Season 2, so I’ll be back in two weeks with a new conversation. Thanks for listening!


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The Institute for Applied Meditation on the Heart

Threshold Choir

On the neuroscience of singing

Women Who Run With the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Learning to Fall by Philip Simmons

The Library Book by Susan Orlean

Although House of St. Michael the Archangel is no longer an organization, I have inherited our publications and CDs. You can contact Lauren if you are interested in purchasing CDs. They are $10, and all proceeds will go to Caroline Becker, the widow of Tim Becker, the founder of the House.