Brewing As Spiritual Practice

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How can a hobby that seems frivolous become an avenue of rich connection with the divine? Pastor BJ Woodworth shares his experience with home-brewing, and how it moved from hobby to spiritual practice, in this week’s conversation.

BJ is married to Katrina and the father of Kyra, Elena, Alex and Zach. He is the founding pastor of the Open Door a 15-year-old, PCUSA missionally contemplative church community in the East End of Pittsburgh. He is a spiritual director, church planting coach and retreat leader. He is an avid homebrewer and loves the mystery and stillness of brewing and fermentation as well as the tasty goodness it creates.

BJ shows us how fermentation is a metaphor for the spiritual life: both take patience and creativity, trust and simply showing up. His wisdom will make you curious about the hobbies in your life that might hold possibilities for transformation and connection.